
My name is Kristi Kim, and I am currently a Biology Science majorĀ attending at the University of California, Irvine.

Now, many have come to ask (in a very surprised manner), “Why are you taking this writing course as a Bio Sci major?” asĀ it is known to be a more intensive, year-long course that mostly humanities majors find themselves in.

I simply respond, “Because the humanities interests me.” All of my life, I have been very interested in numerous writings of the past, as well as philosophy. Yet, another part of me is still just as interested in the complexities and discovering aspects of science.

Coming into my freshman year of college, I had a hard time trying to figure out how to participate in both of these completely opposite interests of mine. But once I had found out about the Humanities Core course, I knew this was the answer.

And so, I welcome you to enjoy writings about empires and their ruins from the perspective of a scientific mind.